Sunday, July 13, 2008

Your First Online Advertising Company

Your First Online Advertising Company
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Now that you've got that wonderful product or service and a great website to sell it with, how do you go about getting customers to your site by using an online advertising company and what's the best way to find one that will be suited to your individual needs?

When looking for the best online advertising company that will provide you with the most responsive advertising for your particular niche at the most reasonable cost, a lot of research is needed to be done. Don't let that scare you though, it's not really that hard or time consuming but it is essential for getting reliable results.

So, let's get started with the largest advertising company on the Internet, Google. Google has what almost everyone is familiar with and that is adwords or better known as pay per click ads.

Basically you just open up a google account and create an ad campaign with your keywords. Then you select the bid price you are willing to pay for each click on your ad to deliver a potential customer to your site.

Here is where it gets a little tricky though. If you bid too high it will land you in a top spot for your keyword but the costs will quickly become way too much for a good ROI. If you don't know about adwords and haven't had a lot of experience with it, you might want to shy away from it. If you have someone to guide you through the process of selecting keywords and bids for each phrase, you may want to try an adwords campaign.

Classified ads are a great way of getting exposure to your website if you are doing them the right way. With classified ads, the whole idea is to get your ad indexed by the search engines to draw traffic from that exposure.

It would be best to use a highly ranked classified site like US Free Ads. Make your ads keyword rich with your main keyword in the title of the ad along with having it in the ad body four or five times as well.

Hyperlink one of the keywords in the ad body with a link to your website. Also you should bold your keywords wherever they show in the text of your ad. These classified ads are very well indexed and will show up in the search results very quickly.

These are a great way to draw traffic to your website so you should consider doing a classified ad every day, some using a different set of keywords so you will show up in a number of different searches.

Safelists are another means of advertising that can be effective as long as you choose a list with a lot of members. You should also contact some those members to find out how well their emails do in that particular safelist. Then simply purchase a onetime solo ad from the safelist to try it out for yourself before joining and upgrading.

The trick with safelist marketing is to have an email that not only grabs the readers attention but is riveting enough to make them read through the entire message and click on your link.

Here are a couple of tips.

1. Your subject line should be one that creates curiosity without giving away the content of the message.

2. The opening paragraph should also create enough curiosity to get the reader to continue reading to the end of the message

3. You should close your email with a call to action, what do you want the reader to do? Be direct here.

4. Always include your contact information along with a - P.S. with a special offer for something free. People like free stuff. A special report or ebook is always good.

The types of online advertising companies that I've covered in this article is by no means close to all the different methods and variations of advertising that any online advertising company will have available, but it is a starting point that will get some traffic to your website and sales of your product or service.

Tom Munson specializes in generating traffic to websites by using the best online advertising company on the Internet, Revenue Magic.

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