Thursday, February 21, 2008

Know A Few “Secrets” And Make A Fortune With Adsense!

Click Here For FREE Info On Secrets To Make Fortune With Adsense

Wondering why your website is not churning bundles of dollars in spite of signing up for Adsense program? Well, not one, but many factors influence the arrival of dollars into your account.

Web Traffic

A site flooded with traffic is bound to earn more dollars than that with a few visitors. There might be exceptional cases, but mostly this is how it happens. Moreover, don’t always blame your web content for not attracting enough traffic. Sometimes, a redundant number of ads on your web page may be the culprit. They decrease the value that clicks on each ad create. So, remember, go easy on ads.

Advertising Budget And Google’s Pricing Policy

Well, you can’t do much about these. Google’s pricing affects the amount of money you get for the ads. Besides, your income depends on the amount of money the advertisers are ready to pay for placing their ads on your website.

Niche Market

Think of a website that revolves around “eating habits of Polar Bear”. Now, think of a website that revolves around “starting home based business”. Which one would have more advertisers? Obviously, the second website!

This means that advertisers placing ad on the first website will have to shell out fewer dollars than those advertising on the latter. This indicates that in a highly competitive market, advertisers are willing to pay generously. And the more they pay, the higher you get as percentage.

That’s the reason why some websites generate $30,000 per month through Adsense while some can hardly manage to even get $500! more

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