Monday, February 18, 2008

When an Affiliate Marketing Myth Threatens To Steal Your Thunder

Affiliate marketing is a potentially highly lucrative money maker if you have the right understanding of the process and also do not mind applying time and effort to guarantee success. Unfortunately, when an affiliate marketing myth threatens to steal your thunder, the odds are that you might have fallen for a slick sales pitch or have made some unrealistic plans with respect to your marketing efforts. Avoiding this permits you to succeed while succumbing to it will cause you to lose your momentum and in many cases results in a marketer giving up on the prospect altogether.

Problem the biggest myth that has stolen more thunder from gung-ho marketers than anything else is the notion that you can get rich overnight. Known as “get rich quick” schemes these affiliate marketing opportunities are often sold as being the brainchild of an Internet millionaire who is now training a finite number of apprentices in his craft and you are admonished to act quickly so that you will be among their number. (Check back with that website in a year or two, and you will be surprised to notice that it is still there with the exact same pitch.)

Even though anyone and everyone would love to have a part in something that promises a lot of money in return for little work, it is vital to understand that nothing comes from nothing and even though you might get lucky and have one or two attempts at something pay off big, by and large you will need to work hard for each and every sale and this requires hard work, long hours, dedication, and the knowledge that building an affiliate marketing business will take time.

Another myth that is often propagated by opportunity clearing houses is the notion that the more affiliate marketing programs you are signed up with, the more money you will make. Although in theory this sounds great, once you have devoted time and energy to getting one program off the ground you will understand just how intricate a process this can be!

Considering how much you have to invest to do justice to one program, imagine how much more time and effort you will have to spend on two, four or more! Experienced marketers will only take on another opportunity when their primary opportunity has become a money maker and systems are put in place that permit for the program to more or less run itself. This, however, usually does not happen until after several months or even years of working the affiliate marketing opportunity.

Of course, by far the worst myth is the one that affiliate marketing is easy. Usually this stems from a combination of hype from the originator of the program and your inability – or unwillingness – to properly ascertain the time and effort it will take you to get this opportunity off the ground. When an affiliate marketing myth threatens to steal your thunder, remember that you are not the only person to have misjudged or underestimated the intricacy of the business, and in the same vein you are not the first one to go ahead and make it work in spite of some early misconception. Do not give up but give it your best!

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