Sunday, April 27, 2008

Direct Sales Home Business Has The Power To Fulfill Your Dreams

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The most profitable direct sales home business opportunities lie with top tier direct sales companies. Such companies have just three products. The cost of entering is higher, but the rewards are great.

Beware Of Scams!

Everything is not good in the cyber world. Some bad people out there are more interested in pyramiding scheme for direct sales home business rather than selling the product. Here is how they work: the original salesperson explains how he or she is spinning bundles of dollars by selling these products. They lure you with the idea of making huge money by selling these products after signing up for a fee. You are unable to resist and fall in the trap (read sign up!). You, too, make the same pitch. Many others like you, who sign up, join the bandwagon of making pitches.

As a result, there is a pyramid of salesperson pitching for the same products. However, the real money goes in the pocket of the original pitcher. The others who signed up, and that includes you, make only a few bucks, which are much less than what you spent to sign up. Thus, your direct sales home business plan goes kaput...
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