Monday, July 14, 2008

Self Employment, Is It Right For You?

Self Employment, Is It Right For You?
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Many people hate their jobs but don't have the courage to go out on their own, start a business and give self employment a try. Self employment can be tough, it's not right for everyone, but for some people self employment is the best way to work and the only way they can really be successful. How will you know if self employment is right for you? In order to know if self-employment is a good fit for you it's essential that you take an honest assessment of your personality. Can you work independently? Do you like to work on your own? Can you set goals and complete tasks without being told to do so? Can you think creatively and solve problems on your own? Would you rather be in charge than take orders from someone else?

If you answered yes to most, or all of those questions then self employment might be a good fit for you. Self employment can be scary because you won't have the security of a regular paycheck coming in week to week and a lot of people worry that they won't make enough money being self employed to cover their expenses. But when you're self employed you can make a lot more money than you can working for someone else because all the money you make goes directly into your pocket instead of going to a corporation.

Still, when you leave the security of your job for home business self employment it's a very smart idea to have enough money saved to cover at least a month's worth of expenses. Two month's worth is best, because then you will have the financial cushion that you need to feel safe and know that your bills will be covered. In order to really be successful at being self employed you need to be disciplined and you need to have direction with your business. After all, when you work at home or work for yourself there won't be anyone telling you what time you need to start, or what time you can stop, or what needs to be done, or what calls need to be returned. You will need to do all of that yourself so it's important that you are disciplined to make yourself work if you're going to try a home business.

If you don't have enough discipline to make yourself work without someone telling you to work then self employment might not be the best career choice for you. If you are not cut out for self employment then you should stay at your current job, because if it's not a good fit for your personality type then you could fail miserably and burn through all your savings pretty fast. Self employment can be great for certain people. If you have always wanted to try a home business and you think you have the right temperament for it you should go for it. Take charge of your career and your life and go for it. Work for yourself!

Bill Drapcho is the owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. You can also visit his site

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