Monday, July 28, 2008

Start A Viral Marketing Campaign Using eBooks As Your Viral Salesman

Start A Viral Marketing Campaign Using eBooks As Your Viral Salesman
Download Free Copy Of The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript-The Leaked Chapter
Viral Marketing is a very effective way to generate lots of traffic to your website. You can compare the very concept of Viral Marketing to that of someone having a cold.

As one person spread germs by coughing or sneezing while in the presence of others, more and more germs are spread until practically every person in that same area end up with a cold.

That's the nature of viral marketing. Once you create a viral eBook to start a viral marketing campaign, include your affiliate links, links to your sales page or website and give it to a few people who in turn gives it to two or three other people, the viral effect begins.

As more people get access to your viral eBook and pass it along (which is what you encourage them to do), eventually, your eBook takes on an exponential effect and is spreading all over the internet among thousands of people.

eBooks are easy to duplicate and the marketing eBook has taken on a life of its own and has become a very important part if internet marketing.

Unlike a regular eBook the marketing eBook contains a lot more. It contains navigation controls, text, links to other web pages, images, navigation controls and more.

Your viral eBook can be your best salesman because you can present your story in a much different and effective way.

It's better to write your own eBook and there are several ways that you can create it.

You can create an eBook using articles or Private Label Rights Material or you could hire a ghostwriter to write an eBook for you.

Always make sure that your eBook is very informative and interesting. It is also wise to include inside of your eBook, links back to your sales page or website.

You have to make sure that you let your reader's know that it's OK for them to pass your eBook around the internet and that they have your permission to do so.

You should provide a section in your eBook that explains the things that they can or can't do with your eBook.

For instance, you can grant them certain rights such as the right to freely give away your eBook to other people, bundle it with other products, use it as a bonus, use it as content, etc.

As you will be including links back to your website, be sure to test every link to make sure it is working properly and check the spelling and grammar before you release your eBook to the public.

Obvious grammatical and spelling errors will reflect badly on you and could be very damaging. One way to check for errors is to use the spell checker on your computer.

You will still have to proofread you eBook because the spell checker doesn't always catch everything.

Another way to market your eBook is to use eBook directories.

Some eBook directories are free. If allowed, post your eBook to those eBook directories. Though some eBook directories are not free, some will still allow you to post a link to your eBook on their website.

Marketing your eBook this way will create a viral marketing effect for your eBook for years to come.

Angela Meyers is a writer and internet marketer who writes and publishes eBooks and media material on various ways to make money online. Want to find out several different ways to make money online? visit:

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