Sunday, July 6, 2008

3 Offline Ways To Keep Your Home Business In Front Of People

3 Offline Ways To Keep Your Home Business In Front Of People
Download Free Copy Of The Greatest Marketing Secrets By Yanik Silver
When it comes to top of mind awareness many people rely strictly on the Internet to promote their home business. This doesn't have to be the case however, because there still are many people who really do not spend a lot of time online.

You never know when somebody is going to be interested in joining your home business therefore it's important that you continually prospect and follow-up. As a matter of fact, follow-up is one of the most important things you can do when making money online too!

1. One suggestion I have is that you get out and expand your center of influence. Social networking is extremely popular on the Internet, but many people miss out on the off-line benefits it will as well.

Joining local organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Welcome Wagon, and many others can be an excellent way to meet like-minded individuals. This will require you to get out from behind your computer and interact with people on a personal basis, but the rewards for that can be many.

2. It is amazing how many people you come in contact with on a daily basis in your regular life. Always have a business card handy to hand out to someone is a great way to passively promote your business because you never know where you might meet a prospect.

3. If you are unsure where to get business cards go to Inc. and get 250 cards for free. You can keep things simple and really not include anything more than your contact information and website url. Start including these cards and every piece of outgoing mail that you send. This is another way to keep your name in front of people.

Be proud of your home business, but don't tell everyone you work from home. Many people do not take a home business concept seriously. If you had a home business, but you operated it at 123 Broadway, and someone asked you what you do for a living, you would not say I have a business at 123 Broadway.

The point being tell people about your business but don't worry about telling them where you operate it. Just refer people to your website and let them determine if it's a business opportunities they are interested in or not.

These are a few suggestions on ways to keep your home business in front of people. Yes the Internet is a fantastic marketing tool, but there are other things you can do off-line as we have just noted.

Guy Mendelson invites you to visit his work at home opportunity website for hundreds of internet business ideas. You will find affiliate marketing ideas and the best home business opportunities online today. If you need to make more money and want a few proven ideas please visit his website here now: ===>

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