Saturday, June 21, 2008

Article Writing – Can It Generate Traffic?

Article Writing – Can It Generate Traffic?
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Traffic And Profits Are Directly Proportional

The intention of anyone who starts an online business is to bring in enough traffic that will convert into sales. There are various strategies that can be used to reach these people so that they are aware that their requirements can be fulfilled by this business. One of the simplest ways to do this is by writing articles and posting them at appropriate locations across the web and submitting them at niche article directories. This is also called article marketing since it provides information to people about niche topics that they are especially interested in, in addition to being relevant to the product or service on offer. Articles cultivate trust in their readers, increasing their chances of visiting the website.

Article Writing As An Advertising Method

Articles are generally regarded as chunks of information. What turns them into highly effective advertising tools is the author’s bio or the resource box at the end of the article. This is the section of the article which has details about the writer of the article, their occupation and a link to the original website so that visitors can click it to go there. Article writing is a great way to generate quality targeted traffic to a website especially if the reader finds the information valuable.

How To Write A Good Article?

Article writing is not the most difficult task in the world. However, it does require some thought and planning. The main points to consider are:

Choice of topic – article writing requires some research to get the facts right. Specific topics pertaining to the website’s theme make more sense since they will reach the niche market being targeted. Research will reveal what kind of information the target market is seeking.

Length of article – in general articles that are too long can make the reader lose interest after the initial enthusiasm. So it is best to stick with articles that are not more than 500-600 words length. Alternately, articles that are too short can also be frustrating to the reader and they might leave in a hurry to look elsewhere for the information.

Original content – though it is possible to buy existing articles, it is always recommended to publish original content because duplicate content can get the marketer into trouble with the search engines. Visitors also get bored looking at the same stuff in different places. Original content always works.

Incorporating relevant keywords – articles are an appropriate location for keywords related to the product because it is through these that the visitors actually land at the website.

Style of writing – must be natural and appealing to the readers. The language must be understood with ease. Using complex jargon can be irritating, as everyone does not have the same level of aptitude for the language. Short simple sentences that convey the meaning clearly are in order. In fact, it is advisable to use the kind of phraseology that the niche market is familiar with. This creates a connection between the author and the reader, building credibility, trust and bring traffic to the website, so that the marketer can make money online.

This one goes without saying – using spell check and grammar check. Not surprisingly, people do not trust a site that is full of errors in spelling and grammar because it looks like the owner did not pay enough attention.

Finally a good attention-grabbing headline that will encourage readers to continue reading is a must. Plenty of bulleted points also make it easy to read.

Benefits Of Article Writing

The obvious benefit of article writing is the targeted traffic to the website. Apart from this, it establishes the writer as a credible expert in the field, so that trust is built gradually. Good articles increase the rank of the website with visitors wanting to come back frequently. Another great use of articles is back links. Probably the only hassle with article writing is that it consumes time and effort. But this can be easily overcome by outsourcing. Several guides on how to make money online devote a large section to the importance of article writing, and not without good reason. Articles are an excellent way to promote a website and profit from it.

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