Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What is the biggest failure in affiliate marketing

What is the biggest failure in affiliate marketing
Download Free Copy Of Affiliate Marketing Guide
The biggest failure in affiliate marketing is not collecting prospects’ email addresses. If you only send your prospects to your affiliate website, you are promoting someone else’s business, not your own. Your goal should be not to sell affiliate products, but to grow your own business.

Here is how you build an affiliate business.

1. Use a lead-capture page.

Get your own website and build a home page. Don’t write a sales letter for your affiliate product. Instead, write an email course focusing on the strongest benefits of your product. Highlight these benefits in a short sales letter that is designed for one thing only—to get people to subscribe to your course. Then, in your course, promote your affiliate product. The value in this method is that you are actually building a direct marketing business and gaining your own customers.

2. Build your own list.

Spend your time, effort, and money driving targeted traffic to your website. The more visitors you get, the more subscribers you get, and hopefully the more money you make. You can never underestimate the long-term value in having your own customer list. Keep building it. Spend at least 65% of your time in building your list.

3. Reinvest in your business.

When you make a sale, congratulate yourself! Take some of the profits and spend them on yourself. Take your spouse to dinner, go to a movie, or buy another internet marketing ebook! But your goal should be to grow your business. You should take at least 60% of your profits and reinvest them back into your business. How? By buying more ezine ads, adding another pay-per-click campaign, or using some other kind of advertising. Perhaps you could buy an ebook with reprint rights instead of marketing affiliate products—that way you keep all of the profits.

4. Keep marketing to your list.

You should always be on the lookout for new products to promote. Whenever you find one, write another email series, add it to your autoresponder, and keep promoting to your list. Focus on adding at least one new product and series to your autoresponder every month. Some will get tired of the information you send and unsubscribe, but if you are focused on building your list you will always have many more subscribers for each unsubscribe you receive.

If you follow these steps, your affiliate business will grow into a very profitable direct marketing business. www.affiliate-windfall-secrets.com www.affiliatemarketing.reprintarticlesite.com

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone is getting in on the business opportunity of either starting or generating profits from the land of the world wide web. Affiliate marketing is the one which most of the people prefer to make money online.