Friday, August 1, 2008

Choosing the Right Niche

Choosing the Right Niche
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Every successful Internet marketer knows how important it is to choose just the right niche in order to create a successful Internet marketing empire. After all, you don't want to just hawk products; you want to establish yourself as an expert. In order to do this, you must select a niche that you know something about and can talk about with an air of authority. While there are numerous opportunities to sell or market almost anything you can imagine on the Internet, you're likely to achieve far greater success if you can involve yourself with something that means something to you in some way.

What do You Care About?

While you don't have to absolutely love the niche in which you decide to market, if you are passionate about it, that passion will show through in everything you do. On the other hand, if you don't have some affinity for your niche and are just trying to sell product, that will surely show through also and will cost you in the end. So the key is to build your marketing around something that touches you personally in some way.

Start by taking inventory of your own likes and dislikes. Then dig deeper. For example, say you are absolutely passionate about dogs. However, when you do a Google search, you discover that there are more than 200 million websites already in place for dogs. You realize that you're unlikely to have your website in the top search results with so much competition already in business so what can you do? Here is where you start digging.

Dig Deep

What is it about dogs that you like so much? Is there a certain breed that you feel close to? Perhaps you're a dog breeder yourself. Or maybe your dog has a disease or condition that you've had to pay close attention to. Maybe your dog even requires a special diet. Once you identify what it is about dogs that you feel passionate about, you're ready to start narrowing your choices for a niche market.

It works the same way with any subject. Maybe you like toys. Plug the word "toys" into Google or any other search engine and you'll once again be met with millions of webpage results. Narrow the field, however, and you'll discover that there is indeed, room for one more. And it might as well be you. Just like we drilled down with the subject of dogs, do the same thing with toys. There are toys for adults and toys for kids. Electronic games, board games, outside toys, educational toys; the list goes on and on.

What if you're already marketing a product and now you need to find a niche for it to fit in? You can do this and many marketers do; however, it is still better to build your marketing empire around something that you already care about. Still, sometimes we have to start where we are and if you already have products you're trying to sell, you can still develop a niche around them. The important thing is to establish yourself as an expert so that others will turn to you for information and products when they are in the market for what you are selling.

Article compliments Global Entrepreneur:Running A Global Business From Home
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