Monday, August 4, 2008

Making Money From Other Peoples Problems

Making Money From Other Peoples Problems
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Your first task is to find out which problems people are having, then to find a way to help them to solve those problems.

A very good way to find out what people consider a problem is to visit the online forums. People talk about anything and everything online. They discuss subjects that they wouldn't talk about with their best friends for the simple reason that they can remain anonymous. They look for solutions online for the very same reason. By visiting forums and taking note of what people are most concerned about you can search the Internet for products and services that will help them solve those problems. Gather the information about the topic. Write or have written for you articles about the topic. In this way you can find a topic and build a content-rich website for niche marketing that helps with the problem you have identified and that will serve the needs of people.

Go to the bookshops in your local area and take note of the kinds of non-fiction books that are stocked. You should particularly note the ones that are self-help or how-to books. If you can create the opportunity, ask the stock keeper which ones are selling the best. He's the one who knows what is being restocked most often. That failing, ask a floor salesperson the same question. Asking the bookstore owner or manager is the last option. They are more likely to be pushing the books that aren't selling well in order to make a sale. Learn by whatever means you can which self-help or how-to books are the hottest sellers.

Once you have chosen a product or service to market, researching to find the right niche for your product or service is the next most important part of beginning a niche marketing program. The things that you need to know are where they spend their time online, and what makes them tick from a personal and business point of view. There is niche marketing software out there that can help you learn these things about your potential niche market.

Why Niche Marketing is the Way to Go in Succeeding Online

Niche marketing must be designed to meet the unique needs of the targeted audience. Niche marketers must tailor their product to meet those unique needs. If, for example, you have designed a product to make poodle grooming easy enough for the untrained professional to do it, those who own poodles will be most interested in your product. Those who own Blood Hounds or cats couldn't care less. If you have written an e-book that will explain how to start and succeed at an online business, those who are looking for that information are your niche market. Those who are happy doing what they are doing are not interested at all.

When you have an idea and have done the research that has proven that there is a market for your informational product, the rest is just a matter of creating the product, building a great website and advertising it.

Niche marketing is not about trying to compete. Competition is taken out of the equation when you do niche marketing. You aren't out there in the world lined up beside or behind a million other people who are selling the same thing you are selling. You are selling to a specific audience that you have created for yourself with your website or through your opt-in email list.

The trick to making money from a content rich niche marketing website is to have a topic that helps people solve their problems, makes them feel better or look better, or supplies them with information that they need. You will need to have related products and services advertised on your site since that is where the income actually comes from. The website content is what makes people visit your site again and again. The more content rich it is will determine how often they visit and how long they stay. The longer they stay the more opportunities you have to sell to them.

What do You Need To Sell Info Products To Hot Niches?

The Overture Search Tool is a wonder to behold. There are so many tools and so much help available at the site that when you visit you will be asking why nobody has told you about this before now. The costs are small and the services are large and extremely helpful to Internet entrepreneurs. It is free to join the site and there are so many ways for you to help yourself. You can locate the best keywords for your business and you can find out what the top bid is on the best key words, then you have the opportunity to place a higher bid.

There are a couple of differences to take note of, however. The free service gives you access to the STST. The way that overture will make a profit here, since the service is free, is by selling you the best key words. There's nothing wrong with that...everybody has to make a profit to stay in business. The Keyword tool on Google gives a complete different set of Keywords. They don't sell the keywords so it makes you wonder which list of Keywords are the best.

Some other search tools which are an excellent source of niche ideas and info are: - - -

What Niche Marketing aims to do.

Niche marketing at its best helps to solve real problems that real people live with everyday. If you can come up with a product or service to promote in a niche market that will help people solve their problems, then you will have a money making niche market website and can quickly build a long list of potential customers.

Basically, find a specific problem that people have....any kind of problem.....then find a "unique way" to help those people solve that problem. If you can do that, then you have a winner and a long term internet business which should make you money for a long time to come.

Tony Cordingley has been interested in the internet since 2001. The freedom of expression and marketing opportunities which the internet provides has yet to be fully appreciated. The power to reach so many people from the comfort of your own home is awe-inspiring!

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