Thursday, October 30, 2008

Taking the Right Action: Four Qualities Your Online Mentor Must Have, Part II

Taking the Right Action: Four Qualities Your Online Mentor Must Have, Part II
Download Free Copy Of An Obvious Truth By Armand Morin
Last time we talked about how easy it is to get lost in all the how-to products. Buying courses about achieving online success can actually prevent you from taking the action you need to really attain internet marketing success.

The "anti-gurus" say you shouldn't buy anything. You can learn it all for free by searching online. I doubt this is true. But, even if it is, no one has the time to do this. And if you did, your time would be way better spent taking action towards attaining online success rather than reading about it.

The best shortcut to online success is an online mentor. Not a guru. Not someone who's made a lot of money online. But a mentor. Someone who can lead you step-by-step to internet marketing success. Your online mentor may be a guru. But, not all gurus are mentors. Not everyone who can make money online can teach others how to make money online.

How do you find an online mentor? I've spent thousands of dollars figuring this out. I have discovered definite characteristics that make a great mentor. Knowing these characteristics will arm you with the information you need to find your mentors, and your eventual online success. And hopefully, it will save you thousands of wasted dollars and at least that many wasted hours.

There are four qualities that my most powerful mentors share. First, your online mentor will provide personal customer support. This is an excellent indicator that they care about your online success. Call your potential mentor's support number or submit a support ticket. Ask a question about a product you're considering purchasing. How quickly do you get an answer? Do they ask questions to determine whether the product's right for you? Or just give you a heavy sales pitch? What kind of overall feel do you get from your interaction with the customer service folks?

Second, the best online mentor is one whose internet marketing success is not dependent on promoting every new product. Pay attention to which marketers promote every product. Or better yet, which ones DON'T. If you are used to seeing promotions from one of your potential mentors and they don't promote a big product, ask why. A good mentor will answer you. One of my mentors states up front whether a product is for newbies, intermediate and/or advanced marketers.

Third, your online mentor should have developed a product that you have benefited from. In your journey to internet marketing success, you should purchase products. You can't become a successful doctor without going to medical school. Online success also requires training. If you buy a product and it helps you, it means the developer of that product "speaks your language." This is essential to an effective mentoring relationship.

Finally, the best online mentor is going to give you value for free. They are going to routinely give you free products or helpful free advice. They truly care about your online success. Look on their website for free tools and resources. Save their emails and see if there's a pattern of valuable content, or just a bunch of product promotions.

You will likely find more than one online mentor. You may rely on some more than others in your rise to online success. But, don't try to go it alone. Success leaves footprints. Why not follow in them? Just don't fall into the trap of thinking the biggest "guru" is the best online mentor. Do your research. Choose wisely who you follow. Internet marketing success will come faster than you think.

Jennifer Herndon is a work at home mom and home business consultant with over 11 years experience. Jennifer's passion is helping you achieve personal and financial freedom. Read more at . Discover the quickest hands-off method for creating internet marketing success by claiming your free report at .

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