Friday, October 31, 2008

Viral Velocity --How to Build a Million Dollar Business Machine, Part 4

Viral Velocity --How to Build a Million Dollar Business Machine, Part 4
Download Free Copy Of The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript-The Leaked Chapter
The internet is the perfect platform for spreading the buzz about a website, product or even film. This is known as viral velocity, it's like the momentum of a sneeze spreading worldwide overnight via the internet.

The internet is instant in nature, and if someone likes something they see or read they will recommend it straight away and with the power of Web 2.0 this can spread like wildfire. The internet doesn't close, it's worldwide and millions of people are on it 24/7. Wouldn't you like some of that buzz and momentum about your latest article, blog post or free ebook?

The secret is to create something of value for free, like ebooks, articles, posting interesting content on forums and blogs, software, or videos and use the power of social networking to get the word out. These are the seeds of your viral campaign and the more you get out there, the more likely that sneeze will spread to the far corners of the World Wide Web.

Some considerations you should think about when creating your viral seeds and campaigns are how easy is the viral seed (whether it's a URL, article, free ebook, video, software etc) to pass on? It might be that you need to provide instructional videos or promotional tools for people to want to pass the seed on. If there is an added incentive like the ebook can be rebranded with that person's affiliate details, then they are more motivated to pass it on.

If passing the viral seed on is easy, then you increase your chances of it going viral. It could be as simple as you Twittering your latest blog post URL and someone picks that up and lets their followers know, and someone else does the same. Before you know it, this could have a whole load of visitors to your blog.

Be warned though good news spreads fast, bad news spreads even faster, so make sure all your dealings online are honest, above board and your best work. There will always be people we don't get on with, but keep conversations civil, especially on forum posts and blog posts, as these can be picked by the search engines and can go viral also. If your credibility and reputation is damaged in this way, it can be hard work to build up the momentum again.

Valuable content and viral velocity - that is the key to this money making system. Everything that you place online should be valuable information, directing you towards your final business goals. One of your goals should be building a list by giving ebooks away and this combined with viral velocity is a powerful money making system, but only if what you create is valuable.

The last bit of advice I will give you today, is that when you start out with your business online don't chase the money; nothing puts people off more. Instead, create valuable resources that people will appreciate you for and they will seek out your products and ways to give money to you. Be helpful and let the money come to you.

You can grab your FREE eBook "Why I left My $9 Millions Business" and FREE video series on how to make money online the easy way just by going to

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