Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Auto-responders For A Legitimate Online Business

Auto-responders For A Legitimate Online Business
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If you have just started a legitimate online business, you will need to think about using an auto-responder email service to build a relationship with visitors to your website. You will want to keep in touch with visitors who request more information so that you can inform them about your products and services to improve ways to make extra money.

The best way to do that is by sending out an auto-responder email newsletter to your mailing list. Surf a few successful business websites and you will notice that in almost every case they include some kind of form which you can fill in to receive some kind of benefit.

It may be more information in the form of a free newsletter, report or ebook, or perhaps some kind of software download. When you fill in the form you will be required to give your email address so the information can be sent to you. When you supply your details they are added to the mailing list and you will start receiving regular messages in your inbox.

Does your website have a lead capture form on it which visitors can fill in and subscribe to your newsletter? You can easily set one up by subscribing to a service such as Aweber.com or GetResponse.com.

Auto-responders are e-mail marketing tools which can be used to sign up subscribers and send them your messages at preset time intervals, track your subscribers and sales which will eventually improve your ways to make extra money.

It will also provide you with a block HTML code that you can simply cut and paste onto your legitimate online business website to create a lead capture form.

Place the form in a prominent place on your website where people will see it as soon as they arrive. Offer them a big free incentive to sign up. When people fill in the form their details are automatically added to the auto-responder.

Next, the subscriber is sent an email thanking them for signing up and inviting them to "opt-in" to the mailing list in order to receive your messages. This "double opt-in" procedure ensures that you build a permission-based mailing list and protects you against accusations of spamming.

The subscriber clicks a link in the email message to opt in to the service for your legitimate online business. When that step has been taken the subscriber will begin to receive your messages and set it to mail them out at pre-determined intervals.

That way, each new subscriber receives a similar series of messages from you at similar intervals for as long as the subscription remains active or the last newsletter has been mailed. You can continue to expand your newsletter series by loading new articles or messages onto the end of your mailing series.

Auto-responders are powerful tools for Internet marketers. You do not have to limit yourself to just one newsletter. You can build a separate mailing list within your auto-responder for each product you sell and follow up with email messages that focus on that product or market niche to enhance various ways to make extra money.

You can also use your auto-responder to broadcast an email to all your subscriber lists in one shot, which is great for sending out time-limited special offers, or timely advice.

As you can see, by subscribing to an auto-responder email service and writing a newsletter you will have put in place a powerful resource to turn targeted traffic into subscribers and subscribers into customers to build your legitimate online business.

Like many other people, Francina Smit realizes that the Internet is an unbelievable opportunity for starting a legitimate online Business. Visit her website http://www.InHouseDollars.com for ideas and opportunities of proven systems that may be your gateway to financial freedom like it has been for thousands of people worldwide searching for ways to make extra money.

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