Thursday, December 4, 2008

Build a Web Page That Sells!

Build a Web Page That Sells!
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A webpage (or web page), as it’s referred to, is one page. A website is made up of webpages.

Sometimes the one page sites are referred to as “mini-sites."

I like to think of them as an advertisement!

The reason I put up one page websites is to sell something.

In order to sell something my site has to satisfy some conditions.

It has to offer a solution to somebodys problem! There are any number of problems when it comes to the human condition, and, if you have a solution to the problem, you can probably sell it online.

So a relevant example would be a site that sells web software and a tuition course for that software. Website making software is one of the biggest sales catagories on the web.

That’s precisely because they can be used for so many different things AND be made to reach those people who are interested in that websites offering.

What if you were a piano dealer? When you run an advertisement in the newspaper people who need tires for their car see your ad for pianos. That's a bad match.

But, when you make a website about the history of pianos…the people who type a search query into the Google box like “history of pianos” may discover you almost immediately. That’s relevance. These people are NOT looking for tires. Otherwise they would have typed in “tires”!

It’s a message to market match! That’s what makes websites work.

To make a website page (webpage, page) you need an HTML editor. Basically this is a word processor (sort of). When you type onto the page the word “Hello” the editor software creates the necessary HTML code that computers can read on the web.

I call that the "backside". Like pictures and text on the front and the code for that on the back.

That is what an HTML editor does for you. It lets you arrange the page the way you like it,and, as you are doing that it is compiling the code on what I call the backside.

It makes it pretty darn easy.

You don’t want to know everything about this code. You want to be able to write “Click here for more info” on the page and when someone sees it on the webpage and clicks on it the software code takes the clicker right to it, right away.

These wonderful things are called “links”.

It may be that they (links) are the most important part of the whole HTML experience because it allows you to effortlessly place your customer in front of a message you want them to see. With just a click.

I'll bet you can imagine what to do with links, and after a few experiments with it you will be a pro.

Open an HTML editor on your computer and ask for a blank document. Type into that document something like this...

"How would you like to see something really cool?"

Leave that sit for a moment and go out on the web and find something really cool. A pretty picture will do.

When you find something you want to practice linking to, go up to the top of your browser window and copy the thing that usually starts with "http://". Copy the whole thing.

Now go back to your HTML editor and find the "link" symbol.

Then, select the words "something really cool" and click the link symbol.

Paste the url you copied into the link box and, maybe, pick "Open in new window" Then, test the link.

You've done it and now you know how to link to anything on the web and that would include affiliate product landing pages and a whole host of other opportunities.

Listen, I know that if you are just getting started, web page building can seem intimidating.

That's just because you aren't familiar with it.

That's why one of the scammier headlines you'll see would read like this "Earn $300 per day and You Don't Need a Website!"

That's just a hook. They know their market target! People who don't know how to deal with HTML editors, that's who!

Don't let that be you! You go, folks. You can do it! It even gets fun in a little while.

If you want to make simple sites that sell the first thing you need to be able to do is make one with an HTML Editor. I have a great offer at my website about websites. AND if you are interested (and who wouldn’t be) I also have a perfect product for you to sell on your spanky new webpage and it’s just $9 bucks. Go now to

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