Tuesday, March 25, 2008

5 Things That Revolutionized Online Video Marketing

5 Things That Revolutionized Online Video Marketing
By Paul Majestyck

Till very recently, only those companies that could dish out significant amounts of money had the affordability to record and host videos on the web. Usually produced by media companies because of the high scale of cost, these videos chiefly contained messages of branding and corporate promotion.

You can well imagine that the return on investment for this sort of video was very poor considering the fact that the audience for a corporate campaign was also very thin – unless you were the corporate ad agency that produced the video.

However, the coming together of technologies has made production of online videos for the promotion of business, products or services really cheap and within the grasp of any layman. Let us discuss briefly the turning points that led to a revolution in the online video sector.

Macromedia Flash Player

Macromedia, now owned by Adobe, launched their latest version of flash player that gives the user the ability to play flash video or FLV. This was an extremely compressed but high quality video scale that allowed web masters to host video on a standard workable server. Because the flash player is installed on more than 95% of computers and is available in many sorts like PC, MAX and Linux versions, it signified that almost everyone could see the video.

The Spread Of Broadband Access

When access to broadband connectivity was made more affordable for general internet users, the increasingly higher speed made it the most popular way to enter the virtual world. This signified that streaming media was of such quality that it could be watched on a home computer too.

The Youtube Generation

It is a possibility that the birth of Youtube was one of the most important reasons that online videos became a hit so quickly. This was the first time that a site was offering a platform of free hosting for any person who wanted to upload video clips on the world wide web. People did not need a costly server or IT skills or fancy software. All that was required was a video clip and internet connectivity and the whole world could see the clip.

Quality Of The Hardware

Once the online technologies converged to create simple online videos, the tools with which to create the video also dropped down in price with an improvement in quality. A big contribution was the affordable rates of DVD camcorders, which could be directly connected to the computer. The average user was having the best time ever with the cost of cameras dropping more and more and the picture quality showing considerable improvement.

Affordable Editing Software

Competition is good for the consumer and this shows the best applicability in the world of computers. Microsoft gave their best shot by free distribution of Windows Movie Maker and Apple delivered iMovie on the MAC. To this was added the affordable strength of programs like Adobe’s cut-down Premiere Elements which helped producing excellent quality video on a home computer take a huge leap forward.

To conclude, capturing, editing, producing and distributing a web marketing video are now simple as well as affordable. Soon it will be an important skill that one can obtain on an everyday basis sitting at home, rather than outsource the task to exorbitantly priced Advertising Agencies. Equipment and enthusiasm, coupled with a small investment of time is all that is necessary.

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