Saturday, March 8, 2008

Email Marketing – An Important Promotional Strategy

Email Marketing Means Big Profits

Online marketing is all about creating an optin lists and finding new ways to keep building them. Designing an email marketing campaign that works effectively is the primary method. There are two sides to this – the actual campaign itself and the recipient’s experience of this strategy in terms of signing up. It is not unnatural for an affiliate marketer to focus on designing the email marketing process without paying enough attention to the optin sign up page and where the subscriber lands after the sign up. Here’s a look at these two aspects.

The Optin Sign Up Page

Optin list building basically implies that visitors to the website signed up voluntarily and have permitted the affiliate marketer to send them email messages. There are instances when the visitor to the website can go away without signing up due to some reason or other. Getting a visitor to sign up with the website can be maximized by following this checklist:

The signing up process must be an easy one. Visitors should not have to search for the sign up page. The sign up should preferably be on the site’s home page.

Having to fill up too much information can be quite off-putting for visitors. The initial sign up must be simple and ask for the minimum information.

If visitors are forced to actually create an account before they can expect the newsletter from the website, they can get discouraged and wont sign up at all.

Preferably only the name and email address must be asked for.

It is better to inform up front about what the subscriber can expect in the emails they will receive.

If information regarding the visitor’s specific interests is requested at the time of opting in, then these must be adhered to so that they only receive information they want.

Any questions asked at the time of opting in must be relevant to the subscriber.
Reviewing the above will ensure that the sign up page is effective and makes the visitor opt in and help in the list building process. The main reason behind this review is that the easier it is to sign up, the quicker will it be. By setting expectations that are reasonable in the beginning, there will be fewer opt outs from the more

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