Saturday, March 8, 2008

What’s Web 2.0?

Characteristics of Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is the new age application-based use of the internet. It can be considered as the improved version of the World Wide Web. We hear about it in relation to blogs, mass publishing, wikis etc. Basically Web 2.0 enables better communication and interactivity. This means users at a website can add, delete or edit information – for example on Wikipedia, the information site and it is not always mandatory to sign up to do this. It is also possible to interact with blog sites by commenting and linking to them.

Some specific features of the Web 2.0 are as follows: user generated content, distributing the content generated, sharing info, reuse of this info, etc. Rather than being passive sources of information, websites become a platform linked to others.

RSS feeds, wikis, blogs, social software, Gmail’s online services, eBay, podcasting etc. are just some of the examples where Web 2.0 technology is used. The specialty is that of users being able to interact with these websites making them a hotbed of viral marketing more

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